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Drama teaching: the neglected art?

23 Feb 2024
Keynote Theatre
Early Years , SEND/Inclusion , Secondary Drama , Primary

This keynote is, in many ways, a philosophical cornerstone in National Drama’s Year of Advocacy 2024. A year in which ND aims to communicate the learning potential of Drama to a wider audience. As part of that message ND aims to bridge the perceived divide between Drama as cross-curricular learning and Drama as theatre performance.

  • Why is there a hierarchy of arts subjects?
  • Why is Drama not a Foundation subject?
  • Why is theatre viewed as an expensive luxury?

This keynote seeks to illustrate that Drama-in-Education and Theatre share the same conceptual ROOTS, in which ENACTMENT is central. 

It will highlight the fact that Drama and Theatre are integral dimensions of human development as well as subjects on the curriculum.

It will celebrate the complexities of the roles of Drama teacher and theatre practitioner.

It will offer an inclusive framework for learning in which the child is at the centre of their learning.

As Chair of National Drama, this keynote is delivered with a sense of hope; hope that it offers a philosophy which will enable all drama educationalists, wherever they might position themselves on the 'Drama as learning' and 'Drama for performance' spectrum, to work more closely together for the benefit of all children and young people

Dr Geoff Readman, Consultant in Drama and Theatre Education


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